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Explore & learn thousands of words divided into different categories
- Greetings- Polite expressions
- Counting- Ordinal numbers
- Natural- Artificial
- Days, week, months- Seasons
- Rooms- Furniture & items
- Meals- Types of food & drinks
- Family members- Relationships
- Expressing feelings- Emotional states
- Jobs & occupations- Office terms
- Currency- Financial terms
- Activities- Time expressions
- Stores- Clothing & accessories
- Sports- Entertainment
- Body parts- Medical terms
- Making plans- Invitations & gatherings
- Devices- Computer terms
- Transportation- Places & directions
- Weather- Plants & animals
- Political terms- Government structures
- School subjects- Academic terms
- Prepositions- Linking words
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$1.39 per week
Anytime and anywhere: no matter whether you want to learn German for professional or private reasons, our app will provide you with a strong basis that allows you to start real communication in shortest terms